The events are available as the acceptance
corrected Dalitz plot.
The particles are counted as 1- pi-, 2 – pi+, 3 – pi- and the data are given as:
s23 s13 Fraction_of_cell_area Events
Error Number of cells
s23 s13 Fraction_of_cell_area Events
Error Number of cells
Only half of the Daltz plot with 421 cells is
given. If Number of cells =2 then the cell should be taken twice with
permutation of pions. If Number of cells=1 the cell is on the diagonal and must
be taken only one time.
The s12, s23 and s13 are invariant energies
squared of the two meson system (MeV2)
and Fraction_of_cell_area is the ratio of cell
area to the area of the largest cell.
For these data Fraction_of_cell_area=1: all
cells at the boundary are removed.
The background level for these events is less
than 1%.